Saturday, February 18, 2006


Well, I don't seem to be doing much with this blog. Since I use my Livejournal as a means of keeping my friends up-to-date with my life, and very few of the friends who do happen to be on there are colleagues, I think perhaps I'll turn this into my "academic" blog. I'll put up any interesting Classics stories I find as I trawl the web (including other blogs which have already done all my work for me...I'd sooner miss breakfast than David Meadow's rogueclassicist...), and discuss (=rant) about anything I'm working on, or just general life in my local Classics Society. I'm not abandoning posting Rome pictures, they'll just be highlights here and there...

In that new vein, I got accepted to the University of Western Ontario last night. It was seven o'clock, and I was watching "Νύφες" with my mom in her bed, and the phone rang. She answered it and passed it to me...and it was Bonnie MacLaughlin, the chair of graduate studies. Who offered me $14,000.00 to come to Western, you know, if I wanted to. Because she was sure I had lots of other offers to consider, but they'd really like it if I would come. So I told her that the only other place I'd applied to was UBC, that although their deadline had been 15 days before theirs, they still hadn't gotten back to me (she was calling me 48 hours after the deadline), and that Western had been my first choice all along. So I would be delighted to come to London. Why, as a matter of fact, I'd be there March 5th-9th to check out the campus! I think we were both elated with the outcome of that conversation!

They have a guy that specializes in Bronze Age archaeology. You know, Minoans? Like the people who lived on the island my dad is from? I don't know if that's what I want to do, per se, but it's something I haven't gotten to study in as much depth as I would like. I've always kind of drempt of being the person who cracks Linear A...

Still, I can't quite wrap my mind around it. I'm actually good enough. I don't suck. I'll finally be getting out of, how I feel about that....that's a story for another day.

But, before I go: the spell-check on this site is just plain weird. It wanted me uncapitalize "March", and it suggested "bloc" as a replacement for "blog". One would think that on a site called Blogger, which is the backbone of the blogging revolution, they would have "blog" in the spell-check. Whatever...

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